Edit Dataset: TNO-AE33-Zweth

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titleProperty:title<br/>A name given to the resource. (en)
descriptionProperty:description<br/>An account of the resource. (en)
dataset type
  • Derived/Processed Data (Datasets that combine multiple data types and sources, such as blended satellite and in-situ temperature records, or higher level products. (en))
  • Geospatial Data (Datasets that include spatial information about the Earth's surface, sub-surface and atmosphere. (en))
  • Historical and Paleoclimate Data (Datasets that provide information about past climates using proxy data or historical records. (en))
  • In-situ Observation (Datasets collected directly at the location of interest. (en))
  • Model Data (Datasets produced by computational models. (en))
  • Remote Sensing Observation (Datasets collected from a distance, typically using satellites or ground-based remote sensors. (en))
formatProperty:format<br/>The file format, physical medium, or dimensions of the resource. (en)
served by data serviceProperty:servedBy<br/>points to the services that provides data resource (en)
landing pageProperty:landingPage<br/>A Web page that can be navigated to in a Web browser to gain access to the catalog, a dataset, its distributions and/or additional information. (en)
persistent identifierProperty:identifier<br/>An unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context. (en) (DOI)
contact personProperty:contactPoint<br/>Relevant contact information for the cataloged resource. (en)
creator (PI)Property:creator<br/>An entity responsible for making the resource. (en)
creator (org) Property:creator_organization<br/>Similar to Property:creator, but used to describe the organization behind the creation of a data resource or service (en)

Geographic and Temporal Information[edit | edit source]

LocationProperty:atLocation<br/>the location of a dataset (en):
Geographic CoordinatesProperty:hasGeographicCoordinates<br/>geographic coordinates is used for geographic locations. Each value specifies a single point on the surface of Earth by giving latitude and longitude coordinates in decimal degrees (en): ie. 52.393054 N, 5.297282 E
ElevationProperty:hasElevation<br/>Elevation in meters (en):
Start Date (of dataset) Property:startDate<br/>The start of the time period. (en):
End Date (of dataset) Property:endDate<br/>The end of the time period. (en):
(For unlimited datasets use 2030-01-01 )

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