Help:Catalog editing

From Ruisdael Observatory Data Catalog
Revision as of 13:58, 17 September 2024 by Andre Castro (talk | contribs) (Created page with "=Files & their metadata= Files (images, video, audio, PDFs, etc) can be uploaded to the catalog to supplement the information contained on its pages. ==Browse== All uploaded media can be browsed in Special:ListFiles ==Upload== To upload a file use the the Special:Upload (link in the left menu bar) ==Include metadata and relations to pages== Once a file is uploaded is important to supply it with some metadata and information about the catalog pages, it relates...")
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Files & their metadata

Files (images, video, audio, PDFs, etc) can be uploaded to the catalog to supplement the information contained on its pages.


All uploaded media can be browsed in Special:ListFiles


To upload a file use the the Special:Upload (link in the left menu bar)

Include metadata and relations to pages

Once a file is uploaded is important to supply it with some metadata and information about the catalog pages, it relates to. In order to do that, in the File: page (ie. File:campaign data handling protocol.pdf) use click Edit with Form button and edit the necessary information

Screenshot 2024-09-17 at 13-54-22 File campaign data handling protocol.pdf - Ruisdael Observatory Data Catalog.png

Screenshot 2024-09-17 at 13-54-36 Edit FileDescription File campaign data handling protocol.pdf - Ruisdael Observatory Data Catalog.png