Property:geographic coordinates (hasGeographicCoordinates)
geographic coordinates (en)
Description geographic coordinates is used for geographic locations. Each value specifies a single point on the surface of Earth by giving latitude and longitude coordinates in decimal degrees (en)
51.968317 N, 4.929234 E +
51.996071 N, 4.3787 E +
51.786575 N, 4.450451 E +
51.964374 N, 4.394592 E +
51.933496 N, 3.999849 E +
51.970275 N, 4.926202 E +
53.403889 N, 6.353868 E +
51.996169 N, 4.378681 E +
51.964348 N, 4.394563 E +
51.786591 N, 4.45043 E +
51.923046 N, 4.409456 E +
51.906555 N, 4.491826 E +
51.916389 N, 4.526389 E +
51.908889 N, 4.423611 E +