Property:Title (title)

From Ruisdael Observatory Data Catalog

Imported from dcterms:title (dcterms | dcterms)

Equivalent URI

Description A name given to the resource. (en)

Label: Title (en)

Showing 8 pages using this property.
TU Delft Parsivel² disdrometer at Slufter (PAR006)  +
TU Delft Parsivel² disdrometer at Cabauw (PAR007)  +
TU Delft Parsivel² disdrometer at Lutjewad (PAR009)  +
TU Delft RPG-FMCW-94-DP (MARA-94)  +
TU Delft Thies disdrometer at Cabauw (THIES001)  +
TU Delft weather station data at De Zweth (DAVIS002)  +
TU Delft weather station data at Platform Zero in Rotterdam (DAVIS008)  +
surface meteo Cabauw  +

Showing 1 related entity.