
From Ruisdael Observatory Data Catalog
Data Service: 4TU.ResearchData
name 4TU.ResearchData
organization TU Delft
access rights public
landing page https://data.4tu.nl/
contact point

Datasets served by 4TU.ResearchData

Related Media to 4TU.ResearchData

4TU.ResearchData is led by the 4TU.ResearchData Consortium, which consists of Delft University of Technology, Eindhoven University of Technology, University of Twente and Wageningen University & Research.

4TU.ResearchData is hosted and managed by the TU Delft Library, where datasets are locally stored on TU Delft servers, and is governed by TU Delft’s legal statements. 4TU.ResearchData staff is responsible for managing and maintaining the data repository, including its preservation policy to guarantee long-term usability of the data it holds.