Property:geographic coordinates (hasGeographicCoordinates)

From Ruisdael Observatory Data Catalog

Geographic coordinates

geographic coordinates (en)

Description geographic coordinates is used for geographic locations. Each value specifies a single point on the surface of Earth by giving latitude and longitude coordinates in decimal degrees (en)

Showing 20 pages using this property.
51.970271 N, 4.926209 E  +
51.970271 N, 4.926209 E  +
51.970271 N, 4.926209 E  +
51.970271 N, 4.926209 E  +
51.968317 N, 4.929234 E  +
51.970271 N, 4.926209 E  +
51.912411 N, 4.470454 E  +
51.7665 N, 4.8167 E  +