TU Delft optical disdrometer Parsivel² PAR001 at Cabauw

From Ruisdael Observatory Data Catalog
Dataset: TU Delft optical disdrometer Parsivel² PAR001 at Cabauw
title TU Delft Parsivel² disdrometer at Cabauw (PAR001)
description In-situ measurements of raindrop size distributions, fall velocities, drop number concentrations and surface rain rates recorded by an OTT Parsivel2 disdrometer named "PAR001" at the remote sensing site in Cabauw. Note that "PAR001" is co-located with another identical disdrometer called "PAR002". This co-location can be used to cross-check data, perform quality control and/or assess measurement uncertainty due to sensor calibration, random sampling effects and environmental effects such as wind speed/direction which are known to substantially affect the accuracy of optical disdrometers.
type See Dataset Types' descriptions in Dataset type taxon descriptions In-situ Observation
format netCDF
served by data service 4TU.ResearchData, Cloudnet
landing page https://cloudnet.fmi.fi/instrument/c55b141f-9942-4547-b36d-a2b3a869d748
PID 10.4121/7f3cbf43-c2a2-4db4-8a55-d5ca0ee3abec
license CC BY 4.0
contact person Marc Schleiss
creator Marc Schleiss
organization TU Delft

Geographic and Temporal Information
location Cabauw
geographic coordinates 51.968317 N, 4.929234 E
elevation (meters) 11 m <br />
start date 2023-12-06
end date 2030-01-01
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Note: PAR001 and PAR002 are two co-located sensors with perpendicularly oriented laser beams. This setup was chosen to facilitate quality control and uncertainty quantification and mitigate sampling issues due to variable wind speeds and directions. A third disdrometer (PAR007) is located approx. 200 meters away, at a height of 180 meters in the atmospheric tower. A nearby micro-rain radar (MRR002) provides vertical profiles of rain rate and raindrop size distributions.