TU Delft optical disdrometer Parsivel² PAR007 in the meteorological tower at Cabauw
Dataset: TU Delft optical disdrometer Parsivel² PAR007 in the meteorological tower at Cabauw | |
title | TU Delft Parsivel² disdrometer at Cabauw (PAR007) |
description | In-situ measurements of raindrop size distributions, fall velocities, drop number concentrations and surface rain rates recorded by an OTT Parsivel2 disdrometer named "PAR007" at a height of 180 meters in the meteorological tower of Cabauw. This highly unusual location for a precipitation sensor was specifically chosen to study the effect of wind, turbulence and shielding on raindrop size distributions, as well as to quantify the vertical variability of rain near the surface. Two other disdrometers "PAR001_Cabauw" and "PAR002_Cabauw" located on the ground, approximately 200 meters away can be used as a reference to assess biases and measurement uncertainty. The site also features a vertically profiling micro-rain radar named "MRR002_Cabauw". |
type See Dataset Types' descriptions in Dataset type taxon descriptions | In-situ Observation |
format | netCDF |
served by data service | 4TU.ResearchData |
landing page | |
PID | 10.4121/7c0b95cd-e5d6-4aa1-b57b-4e48434df50a |
license | CC BY 4.0 |
contact person | Marc Schleiss |
creator | Marc Schleiss |
organization | TU Delft |
Geographic and Temporal Information | |
location | Cabauw |
geographic coordinates | 51.970275 N, 4.926202 E |
elevation (meters) | 180180 m <br /> |
start date | 2022-03-17 |
end date | 2030-01-01 |
Campaigns that contribute to Dataset | |
Related Media to TU Delft optical disdrometer Parsivel² PAR007 in the meteorological tower at Cabauw | |
Warning: Due to its unusual location, at a height of 180 meters in the meteorological tower of Cabauw, the data recorded by this disdrometer can be affected by large errors and uncertainties. Notably, the raindrop size spectra can be much broader and variable than the ones recorded by PAR001 and PAR002 at ground level.